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When approximately 70% of the planet is covered in Ocean we must simply do much more. We seem to know more about outer space, than we do the depths of our oceans that allow us life on Earth!
Everyone has an obligation to look after and protect, restore & rejuvenate the oceans around them. The ocean will not survive and thrive if we continue to treat it the way we do. It’s currently being treated like a garbage tip.

Heavily overfishing of so many species that we are putting many of them on the brink of extinction. Humanities’ treatment of our life-giving oceans, treating it like a garbage tip is something we have the power to change. If enough people demand it, we can fix it. I’ve seen what good management of the ocean and its fisheries can do. Suitable size limits for all fish and crustaceans, several marine parks, the installation of artificial reefs, and the restocking of several species of fish, prawns, and crustaceans. If we continue to treat our oceans with such disdain, we’ll end up with nothing the consequences are dire.

We can, we must, we will if that’s what YOU want.

The state of our oceans can be vastly improved with some easy fixes, I simply don’t understand why the use of “microbeads” has been allowed to continue in many countries. Microbeads made of plastic are being used in things like cosmetics and toothpaste. Most sewerage treatment plants can’t remove these microbeads, so they end up in our oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams. Yet it continues in various parts of the world today, humans have come so far that we need to put plastic beads in our toothpaste & make-up, using them for a few minutes then flushing them into the ocean where they’ll take hundreds of years to degrade. It’s deplorable, to be honest, but together we can insist on change, a total Global ban on microbeads is simply the only way forward. From tiny microbeads to much larger pieces of plastic all being dumped into the ocean, with great patches of this floating rubbish forming in our oceans, one of the largest is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.


With only limited resources there are some inspirational people and companies doing some great work. One such company The Ocean Cleanup is doing extremely well on a limited budget, imagine what they could do with the sort of money and support that The World’s “Big Stick Military” receive. It would be awesome to convince the leaders of this world to divert some of their personnel and equipment to this most urgent issue. A flotilla of ships from of all the Navies of the world working together as one to remove as much rubbish as possible. It could be done if we all demanded our government’s act NOW!

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