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When looking for answers to many of the problems we face globally today the “Power of Fungi” must be highlighted as a great asset in our toolbox to save the world! The fungus has amazing abilities and uses that can be beneficial in many aspects of our daily lives including medicines, non-toxic pesticides, building materials, clothing, packaging, food, and biofuel to name just a few.
Fungi can also be used as nature’s way of repairing some of the damage we humans have caused, they can decontaminate toxins in our environments like pesticides, petroleum, polyurethane, mining waste, and crude oil into compounds that are harmless in a process called – “mycoremediation”


Fungus restoring balance!

This is a game-changer when it comes to restoring the health of the planet, from the cleansing of polluted soil & waterways to the way we feed ourselves and the packaging we use. Mycelium is like nature’s very own internet with its own underground web of fibrous tissue that gives fruit to the mushrooms. It’s this Mycelium that can be used as a sustainable substitute for so many products that today are being made from petroleum-based plastic products like Styrofoam and vinyl. 

The range of Mycelium products is almost endless, healthcare products like face masks, surgical gowns, sponges, curtains, and slippers, that can be composted and recycled back into these same products, again and again! With billions of plastic cups going into landfills every year, these could be made from Mycelium and continuously recycled. A coffee shop that has traditionally thrown away its used cups and coffee grounds, could instead use this waste as a resource to grow mushrooms, replace the cups, and provide food all at the same time, whilst sending “nothing” into the bin! It’s these Fungi’s that deserve so much more attention and research on the world stage, to hear more from people like Mycologist Paul Stamets who has shown that “mushrooms can truly help save the world!” For more information on the power of Fungi, I recommend you watch this video.



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